San Francisco-based privately-funded 501(c)(4) organization providing a comprehensive program designed to improve mobility in the City. The program links trip reduction, employment enhancement and community referral services for more than 100,000 commuters working in 80 member properties covering more than 25 million square feet of commercial office space.
Our strategies continue to evolve, but our mission to build our current and future workforce to be mobile and competitive remains steadfast.
When confronted with one million visitors to downtown San Francisco during Super Bowl 50, our staff of three marshaled our energy and resources to conduct a community outreach program to help more than 500,000 daily, local travelers navigate altered city streets.
Super Bowl City was opening to more than one million anticipated visitors for a week-long period beginning January 30th, 2016 and ending on February 7th, 2016. The Super Bowl City to be erected for was to be located on a three block stretch of Market Street between Davis and The Embarcadero. The street closures were in effect from January 20th, before the events started, and to February 11th. The Super Bowl City boundaries impacted major public transportation hubs for BART, SFMTA, taxi stands and ferry docks serving more than 500,000 commuters. Extensive public outreach to notify the public of alternative routes was required.
A representative collage of our 80 member buildings.
Map of impacted streets and detours for Super Bowl City.
One of our weekly Super Bowl 50 updates.
One of the entrances into Super Bowl City which directly impacted many member buildings. Photo courtesy of SF Chronicle.
An aerial shot of the festivities at Super Bowl City. Photo courtesy of Super Bowl 50 Host Committee.
One of the many concerts at Super Bowl City. Photo courtesy of Kaibigankita.
We assembled members of the Super Bowl 50 Host and Coordinating Committee to meet with our members. Materials were presented by the official hosts of Super Bowl 50 to acquaint our members with the overall approach and impact to hosting Super Bowl City in a limited, densely urban transportation hub. From there, TMASF Connects crafted a communication platform and outreach program that began during the first week of January 2016 to introduce the subject to the commuting public. Our entire Super Bowl 50 communication campaign portfolio can be found here.
For maximum message delivery and impact, TMASF Connects expanded their member e-mail network of 100,000 people to include major local civic, trade, transportation, academic and other entities. A modest estimate of the total population reached by our distribution of our communication materials is 500,000 people. This number is based on 11 major San Francisco-based organizations and more than 20 transportation partners.
The total disruption and re-routing of major City streets, The Embarcadero (a major thoroughfare) reduced to a one-way only street, changing access to transportation facilities and disruption to service deliveries. The additional civil unrest from protests, surprise concerts announced as late breaking news and distressed access for cars, taxis and pedestrians needing to cross through metal detectors all added to the pain point. The final pain point was the security restrictions for commuters trying to park in their usual building spots for about one dozen buildings in close proximity to Super Bowl City.
We set up a template format and delivered it in Constant Contact. We sent out the messages at the same time each week – even with little or no new information was required. Member feedback suggested strong support for “negative information” reporting as it provided reassurance that all members were up to date on the latest developments.
Materials were also delivered through our website and posted on our calendar for the public and our members to easily access all information developed in support of Super Bowl 50.
Please refer to the TMASF Connects Super Bowl 50 Campaign Portfolio to view these materials.
Super Bowl 50 attracted an average of about 200,000 visitors each weekday between 10:00 AM and10:00 PM. Transit lines reported record ridership for critical events such as the Alicia Keyes, The Band Perry and One Republic concerts.
Commute travel continued without significant disruption. Travel times from The Ferry Building were slightly increased due to security considerations.
February 2017