
Transit / Parking Information

7/8 – Transit Services Update Updated 7/16 6/17 – Parking Garage Resource Sheet 4/1 – Transit Service Updates Updated 5/05

TMASF General Information

8/3 – Giving Back to the Community 6/3 – Overview of Materials Developed (March-May 2020) 4/22 – Earth Day Greetings 4/15 – New Website Features Updates 3/31 – Website Update Launch

General Covid-19 Resources

4/20 – How to: Workout at Home During Coronavirus Outbreak 3/31 – Member Update 3/13 – TMASF Connects Navigating the Coronavirus Resource Sheet 3/3 – TMASF Connects Coronavirus Factsheet

Job & Telecommuting information

7/23 – How to: Utilize Google During the Coronavirus Outbreak 7/29 – Essential Rider Work Home 5/11 – Skills Update Guide 2020 and Satellite Stories 4/24 – Paycheck Protection Program Application Information 4/8 – Employee Guide to Changes in Workforce Benefit Laws (中文)(Español)(Translation Policy) Updated 4/16 4/7 – Employer Guide to Financial Resources (中文)(Español)(Translation Policy) Job & Telecommuting information

Childcare & School Information

5/06 – Childcare Information Updated 5/28 (中文)(Español)(Translation Policy) 4/30 – Childcare Options courtesy of state government 4/21 – SFUSD Chromebook Pick Up Sites 4/2 – Bay Area School Meal Pickup Locations Courtesy of Stanford

Government & Emergency Announcements

7/24 – Update from State of California Governors News Conference 07.24.2020 7/17 – Update from SF Mayor’s Office and State of California Governor’s News Conference 6/23 – Emergency Services Information 6/8 – CDE Guidelines for Reopening Schools | COVID-19 Industry Guidance courtesy of state government 4/14 – Update from State of California Governors News Conference

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